It is old news now that, thanks to improvements in medical care, boomers are living longer than members of the previous generation. Yet, statistics show that traffic accidents increase after age 65, and traffic fatalities, after age 75. Unfortunately, aging can affect driving in a number of ways:
First step: Acknowledgement of the issue
What to do? Older drivers must take responsibility, not only for their own lives, but those of others, including passengers, pedestrians, and fellow drivers. Seniors must take precautions, such as:
If you believe that a loved one ought to give up driving, it is time to speak up. This must be done tactfully because driving signifies independence to seniors. Things to address might include observed trouble with driving basics, such as lane changes, braking, accelerating, lane “drift,” failing to use turn signals or leaving them on beyond when they are needed. More obvious examples might include increased “close calls,” citations, or actual accidents.
Other ways to make your case
If it’s necessary, enlist the support of other family members or friends to convince your loved one to leave driving behind. Bring up alternatives to driving, such as public transport, including buses, taxis/Uber/Lift, ride sharing, community shuttles or senior transit. Stress the health benefits of walking to destinations if your loved one is up to it.
Visit for resources such as interactive self-assessment quizzes and certified driver rehabilitation specialist listings. Another resource,, catalogues a number of Mature Driver Improvement Programs and also features a Senior Guide for Safe Driving. Again, the mantra in all of this is safety. Do not be shy to repeat it.